Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Restaurant Apparel: What You and Your Employees Need To Know

Modern restaurants have a lot of apparel to think about. For more info about paper chef hats, follow the link. Be sure to consider which employees will be dealing most with customers.

When working in more upscale eateries, chefs should wear high quality apparel that fits the mood of the restaurant. Chefs have the option of wearing modern or classic apparel designs. Consider all of the pieces of the uniform, including the hat, pants and coats. As a restaurant owner, you may want to allow your chefs a bit of creativity when choosing their uniforms. The personal styles of chefs tends to depend upon the level of professionalism you wish to portray to clientele. Less traditional restaurants will allow chefs to wear colored or printed uniforms while the more traditional and upscale restaurants will require the pristine white uniforms to show a level of skill and cleanliness.

Aside from the appearance of a uniform, keep in mind the humidity and the heat that the chef will endure while working. Often a chef's job is very messy, and you will want to choose a uniform that will still provide you with a clean and crisp look. When looking for chef apparel, there are many great option available. Follow the link for more information on bistro apron. You also may want to customize the uniforms for your chefs so that they can take advantage of different options and show a bit of their personality. Giving that customized feel by using different buttons, colors and fabrics will make a chef feel more comfortable and confident in their clothing and in their work. To give your customers a more memorable dining experience while eating in your establishment, you may want to consider allowing your employees to wear a bit of creative flare. As a restaurant owner, you can leave the color choices up to the individual server as long as you give them some guidelines. Many times these customized uniforms will give the customers a reason to strike up a conversation with the server, often leading to increased tips and a more enjoyable dining experience. To boost confidence in servers and cooks, you may even want to give accomplishment pins.

It is important that those that work in the food service industry have a professional appearance in and out of the kitchen. Working in a more casual or family friendly restaurant as opposed to the upscale eateries, you will want to wear clothing that fits the feel of your establishment. Many restaurants choose to allow a employees to wear more fun uniforms to appeal to a different customer base, including colorful t-shirts, aprons and baseball caps. Learn more about  white bib apron. If you are an individual employee, choose garments that reflect the appearance that you want to demonstrate to the public in a professional manner.

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